<script>on openCardglobal keybuffglobal foundSoFarput empty into foundSoFarconfigureSPort lineFeedOn,echoOnput "Type shift-6 (^) to exit chat..." into itput it & return & return into cd field "Chat"sendString return & return & return & it & return & returnplay "chat"put empty into keybuffend openCardon idleglobal foundSoFarget recvUpTo(return,10,foundSoFar)-- get recvChars(charsAvailable())if it is not empty then put it after cd fld "Chat"if it contains "^" then exitChatelse if it contains "NO CARR" thenput "Connection broken!"exitChatend ifend idleon keydown whichkeyglobal keybuffget whichkeyif it is numToChar(8) thenput empty into last char of keybuffelse if it is "^" then exitChatelseput it after keybuffif it is then beep 1elseif (charToNum(it) < 65) or (charToNum(it) > 122) thenput keybuff after cd field "Chat"sendString keybuffput empty into keybuffend ifend ifend ifend keydownon exitChatbeep 1sendVanilla "Chat ending... "pop cardend exitChat</script>